Nov, 2023

Breast Cancer Awareness Event


M E & F Holdings, in collaboration with Spartan Fitness, Bodyline Ladies Club, and in partnership with Gulf Medical & Diabetes Center, organized an awareness day for all female staff regarding breast cancer during Pink October. The event, hosted by specialist Dr. Rasha AlMahroos, shed light on the symptoms, the importance of self-examination, and regular check-ups by emphasizing the significance of early detection through mammography.

The initiative aims to raise awareness about this disease and encourage women to undergo regular early screenings, as early detection is a crucial factor in achieving a full recovery.
Breast cancer is one of the most prevalent diseases among women worldwide, with approximately 1.4 million new cases diagnosed annually. In the Kingdom of Bahrain, this disease ranks second in terms of prevalence in the Gulf region.

Mr. Faris Mustafa Al Kooheji, the CEO of M E & F Holdings, spoke about the importance of this initiative, saying: “Our employees’ health is a top priority at M E & F Holdings. We take pride in contributing to this initiative that promotes health awareness in the community. Early check-ups play a vital role in saving lives. Based on our strong belief in the importance of each individual’s health, we are committed to making every effort to preserve the health of our employees and the community at large.”
M E & F Holdings is the family investment office for the Al Kooheji Electrical Contractors & Construction Company (KECC). M E & F Holdings has an established presence in fitness hospitality, medical centers, and real estate amongst others.